Adding/Removing Tables
💡 The best way of Adding/Removing tables is through the Desktop/web version (since you'd have an expanded view of your venu'es floor plan and you could easily drag and drop the tables with your mouse). However, this is also possible with the mobile app and it works just as well (just on a smaller screen). You can always zoom in/out when needed.
Start by expanding the Menu ≡ and then selecting Settings ⚙️
To add a table: tap on Tables & Sections. This will lead you to a list of all of your current tables.
Green tables are tables currently on your floor plan while yellow ones are existing tables that haven’t been placed on your layout yet.
From here, you can create, organize or remove tables and sections.
Once you’ve added all of the tables and sections needed, go back to the Settings tab ⚙️ and hit Interactive Layout Editor.
Select your venue’s floor plan to edit functions available for each table. To add a table, click and drag the white circle from the top left corner and place it on your layout (as shown below).
You will then need to pick which table this newly added table represents (from a drop-list of all of your presently unplaced or newly added tables). You can then use the edit tools to change this table's shape, size and rotation.
💡 You can also click/tap and drag existing tables to relocate them on your venue's floor plan.
To remove a table: click/tap on the table of interest so that table is highlighted. Hit the red trash icon 🗑 and the table will be removed from your floor plan.
Note: Deleting a table from your floor plan does NOT delete it from the list of your tables in the Tables & Sections section. Therefore, you can always re-add a deleted table if need be.
Changes are automatically saved as you edit the floor plan.