Approving Guestlists/Table Reservations

In order for a reservation to go through, a Manager needs to approve the pending reservation request.

💡 This extra step prevents double bookings/overbookings to happen and gives Managers full control over the reservations.

All new requests for Table Reservations will be displayed under the "Pending" section before they get approved.

All new Guestlist requests will be displayed under the "Guestlist" section.

On the Reservations tab, tap on the Pending tab to view all of your pending reservation requests. 

Use the green check-mark ✅ to approve the request and the ❌ icon to decline the request. 

Once approved, the reservation will be moved to the Approved tab.

💡 While managing reservations, you can also:

✉️ Tap the envelope icon to start a chat with your client via SMS (learn more about Communication here).

💲 Tap the dollar sign icon to request payments (learn more about Deposits here).

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