Event Creation

Mr. Black treats every night that your venue is open as an Event (in order to help sort out your data in the Reports section).

To create a new Event, go to the Events tab from the drop-down menu  (picture below).

On desktop view: click  Add Event.

On the mobile app: click on the + icon in the top-right corner.

From there, fill out the event details (name, flyer, start-end times, description, etc) and you're done!

Note: If an event runs weekly (for example, if every Thursday is "Turn Up Thursday"), simply check off the "Weekly Event" box to make it a recurring event.

This will make the event repeat every Thursday. All of the data from the current Thursday will be stored in Reports at the end of the night and the event will be recycled for the next week. 

Every event will auto-generate a corresponding webform (learn more about webforms here). Tap on either the employee personalized weblink or the general web link to copy the webform link. Copy/paste it into a browser to see how your clients will view your event.

💡 Use this link to promote your event on your social media pages (link in bio/Stories), your employee's social media profiles, your venue's website, etc.
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