Arriving Guests

💡 In order to Arrive Guests, you need to have the "Arrive Reservations" permission under your role. Learn how to set/change permission here.

When a table reservation is requested, that reservation stays under the "Pending" tab until the reservation gets approved by a Manager.

After a table reservation is approved, that reservation goes to the "Approved" tab for a Manager to assign a table/server to it. When a table is assigned, the reservation will be displayed under the "Seated" tab.

Once your guests arrive at your venue, you can "Arrive" them at their table and start the service for that table by going to the Seated tab, finding the reservation, then tapping on the blue Arrive button (as shown below).

Once you tap on Arrive, a pop-up will appear giving you the option to select how many guests have actually arrived (Blue represents Male, Pink represents Female). You can categorize guest arrivals with the options Paid, Comped, or Reduced (in case fewer guests showed up than the expected amount).

As you hit the  + sign for each color, you’re updating the number of guests that have arrived. Notice that there is a total count just above indicating how much room is left on this reservation. 

💡 This count will keep a tally of the total Male:Female ratio at your venue, which can be accessed in the  Reports section. Learn more about the Reports section here

Tap on Send to confirm your selection.

The color of that table will then turn from Green (meaning "Assigned") to Blue (meaning "Arrived") on the layout view.

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